Wednesday 14 January 2009

Conectada al Equipo...

i have been thinking about the places pleople normally sit and draw, paint, write and create stuff and im very curious because i know as a human being we always want bigger better and cheaper places that we call our studios.. well this is the livingroom of my flat, its not little or big but is very confortable i have my computer and my working table in thisplace with all my materials and well you will see the wall i want to doodle all arround, so here is the pciture of the place i use to paint and draw and computer stuff. its cosy and very confortable but yes i want a new working table and shelves, and prolly a bookshelf for my stuff and more stuff i need a lot of things but my place kik ass. the first picture is form my table and computer as you can see and the seocnd one is form the other side for you to get an idea of the space i have .

this is the view form the computer with some of the pieces i used for the misterious phonecalls the expo i had in november in DOKK HUSET in trondheim Norway.


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