Wednesday, 28 January 2009


here is the other one i just scanned... nothing else to say...

Mr.Adolfito 2009

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What can i say im sleepy is 3 in the afternoon or 15 and im completly with no energy i havent been eating ok for a couple of days probably bwecaus eim ridicusly poor or probably because i hav eo money one of those two options, but well I have been working alittle in the ocmputer and drawing a little, here is my favorite drawing of the oens i have been making. actually ill scan another and postit right after this one

cheers i hope you like it


Sunday, 25 January 2009

Winnie ille Pum

here is what i did yesterday night. muahahaha amazing this is for my expo the Kaktuslandet in frida the 19 of february , so here we go this was done with some nice drawings a scanner, phiotoshop, corel and a shitty åprinter... then glue sisors, and passion.. and love

first of all this two are the first draft of 25 planned one that are going to be arround in trondheim for this month, they ar eplanned to be destoryed by nature forces, drunk bastard or stupid goverment workers. but is all right they were designed exactly for that reason. now, i need to know if you like them and if you htink this drawings are a ncie aset to the Trondheim view.

here is how they aqre done.

first i printed ...

then i ordered them , glued and cutted them togehter.. cut together is a registred trademark of Mr.Adolfito.

they looked like this

then i went out i nthe streets and paste them for your viewing pleasure.
