Tuesday, 5 April 2011

La Maldita Podadora

Hello my beloved fans im back in mexico for some forced vacations and ive decided to take this vacations for work like a slavbe, i have a lot of projects that need some closure and ill do that this months, i miss my wife she is in norway studing so im very very depressed. well here is the work i havbe been doing the last month, i finally got a camera for getting some pictures and well that means ill be posting more often. the first two pictures are with ink and good paper and then is the bookelts this month i finished 3 of them and they will be showed in a couple of months in an art gallery in mexico city called ARTE TALCUAL so well it wil lbe cool im finsihing them.

this two are with ink and good paper and itsa an excersice of shading and texturing with diferent size of ink pens from .005 to .7 over a very nice cotton paper handmade. the size is a3.

here is some random pictures of the booklets 5, 6 and 7 they are super ready and have some good stuff like the wrestlers that are in the begining of this post and some in this pictures, the flourecent zombies and some more. i m working right now in book 8 and it will be cool.

hope you liked and enjoyed this post. i tryed to make it as big a sposible for keep up.

cheers my beloved ones.