first of all i want to thank to Camila for her amazing coments in RL, I mwet her in a very nice concert two days ago and we got very nice time with her firnd form argentina (i dont remeber her name sorry) and my girl, we four of us got a couple of beers and very nice time . and well i was a little diapointed about my blog because people never visit it or at least i thougt that but it seems that people readit quite often so now is time for me to start updating in a regular basis again. so here we go today is the frist day of the regular mr.adolfit blog, that will be updated every tuesday for you to be ablwe to enjoy it, and all that crap and introduction shit that people normally do in this cases, but today as the first post of the regular basis i will show you a picture that is not mine, normally i want to post my own stuff because this is my blog, for that matter, but i need to sahre this image with you.
Ok guys here is one of the most amazing things i have ever seen, i mean what is bravery ?, to jump from a plane, or to race f1 cars, i dont know to ge tinto the nasa and go to space, to do bongie jumping, i dont think any of this can beat this picture this is being brave, this guy have balls, i know normally i have here stuff of my own but this picture is really amazing i will leave it here for yu my beloved fans.
i hope you enjoy it a lot.
ok ill really start posting every tuesday in this place regullary i will just ask please to add coment si want to know if you people is reading this and enjoying it or if im just makign my nice diary online? let me know.
i hope you have a ice weekend.. cheers
your friendly "artist" Mr.Adolfito
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