Thursday, 27 January 2011

while my bunny reads some latin, i just miss her

hello my mighty fans, i miss my wife thats one of the things i needed to say here, and well i already said it so im going to do some other stuff, i have been working in little stuff later cus i sent all my material to Oslo, last week and now im just waiting for monday to take my train and leave Trondheim for good, i hope ill be able to visit some day but i dont know.

well here is some of the things i have been working with this week , im making a hand crafted book, and some ink and water experiments and as well im working on some very improvised pictures with my scottish friend Chishu. so here are pictures of all this amazing things i have been doing. i dont need to write what is what cus the pictures are pretty explicative by themselves.

well anyway this is the book in 3 pictures. this has been a long but very interesting process. i should have taken more of the process but luckly is not my last binding . so ill be able to document it and explain it for you my beloved ones.

here is the ink work i have been doing yesterday and today, i got some nice paper from Per Kristian Nagard he gave me the paper so i used it. and its more likely what happend all my day each day. actually that is my next project, ill be posting bout it pretty soon.

now well this is just a picture i took of the ghost in my studio, is inspired in the attic ghosts of Christiane Kelegher from Scottland. so well this is it.

and finally the last pictures are the experiment we were doing in the studio with a flash light, bubble wrap, some mesh kind of stuff, one of my ruined drawings with ink and thats it. the first picture of this post is actually one of those we took today. and thats it

here they are.

well thats all ofr the day i hope you like this stuff ill be arround and well probably ill get a nice show in Scotland next year im in the middle of all the sending and recibing emails and stuff. so ill keep you posted
for my wife



DON DIEGO said...

gordo me da muchisimo orgullo que tu trabajo este tan padre hermano, la verdad muchisimas felicidades mijo sigale chingando pa que nos saque de trabajar te quiero gordita

Marilokis said...

Mi amor me super encanto este blog tienes unos cuadros que cuando veo los quiero tener en mis paredes, te amo

Mr.Adolfito said...

yeah!!! por eso los kiero chinga el mero apoyo