Saturday 8 November 2008

BONDING is the most stupid word

at least is what i think after watching E entertainment television, that is the most stupid tv chanel in the world . or asomething like that. i have not been painting lately but now im doing some digital crap here is some stuff i did for my hottie. ui hope you like it.

well now im thinking in do some of this kind of stuff i have been working a lot with photoshop lately so i think im readyu to move on to illustrator i kinda tryiong to get all my computer knowledge back , im working in a new video game called "CRONICLES OF THE STUPID EMPIRE" i will be posting some screen shiots soon here its a retro 16 bits RPG" something like "Final Fantasy 6" the style and i hope the success too. but for now im just working in the art work with the sprites and the backgrounds, soon it will be up... enjoy and have a nice weekend...



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